To participate in the ARS polling, follow one of the two steps below.
Participating via Mobile Device:
On your mobile device, create a new text message.
The recipient number will be 22333.
The message must be “Wsteinberg407”
You will receive a confirmation message stating that you’ve joined William Steinberg Board Review’s session.
When polling begins, indicated by an animated graphic during the livestream, simply type in the corresponding letter for the answer you wish to choose and hit send.
If you wish to change your answer while the poll is still active, type “clear” or “undo” and send. You’ll receive a confirmation that your answer was cleared and you’ll then be able to submit a new response.
The response windows are timed and you will only have about 15 seconds to answer. If you submit an answer while there is no active poll open, you’ll receive a response indicating there is no active poll. You do NOT need to “clear” or “undo” your submission. Just wait until a poll is active.
Participating via a Web Browser:
Go to
If there is no active poll, you’ll see a message stating so. When a poll is activated, the screen will automatically update and present you with the question and choices.
Click on the appropriate answer and your submission will be recorded.
If you wish to change your answer, click on the “undo/trashcan” icon on the right side of the answer you already selected. This will clear your choice and allow you to select another option.
If you opt to participate via a web browser, it’s recommended you do so with a computer that has two monitors so you can have the livestream open on one monitor and the polling page open in the other. Alternatively you can use two different computers; one for viewing the livestream, the other for viewing the polling page